On-Demand Webinar: Avoid Interstate Sales Tax Pitfalls Skip to main content

Do any of the following apply to your company:

  • E-commerce business
  • multiple locations or multiple entities
  • software offers limited customization of user roles
  • currently using QuickBooks for your accounting software

If any of the above apply to you, then register below and watch the webinar recording, where Michelle Brennan, Manager of Sage Intacct Implementation, and Shane George, Director of Outsourced Accounting – QuickBooks, analyze two of the most popular accounting programs – Sage Intacct and QuickBooks. A lot is covered in this hour-long webinar, including:

  • Best practices and lesser-known features of both Sage Intacct and QuickBooks
  • The intended audience for either software
  • The benefits of choosing the right software; the risks of choosing the wrong