BT Foundation Supports Atlanta Hospitality and Nonprofit Communities

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Although the coronavirus has caused uncertainty in nearly all aspects of everyday life, it is inspiring to witness our community navigate this new normal and support local businesses and nonprofits. The BT Foundation and BT associates are committed to giving back to our community and are proud to have rallied behind the hospitality industry by donating over $10,000 to the Giving Kitchen.

Giving Kitchen, an Atlanta-based nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance and resources to vulnerable members of the food service industry, has experienced overwhelming support during the pandemic; the organization has received nearly $200,000 in donations from the community during this time. These donations go directly to food service workers who are dealing with an unexpected illness, injury, death of an immediate family member or a housing crisis in Georgia. The organization also provides resource referrals to workers experiencing other hardships like unemployment and underemployment due to restaurant closings through its Stability Network.

In a recent letter to the Giving Kitchen community, Jen Hidinger-Kendrick, Co-Founder and Community Engagement Director for Giving Kitchen, demonstrates resilience as she writes, “As a community, I truly believe that we will come through this crisis stronger, more united and better prepared for a future where crisis is met with compassion and care, and where stability is a promise food service can deliver.”

Bennett Thrasher associates draw inspiration from Hidinger-Kendrick and other leaders in the community as they empower each other to come together and support those in need around them. Eager to volunteer, many associates have spent time delivering food to the elderly and vulnerable through Open Hand Atlanta as well as providing Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loan application assistance to various nonprofits. Bennett Thrasher has also gifted all associates with gift cards for food delivery service companies to further support local restaurants during this time.

To learn more about Giving Kitchen and how to support its programs, visit or donate directly here.

About The Bennett Thrasher Foundation

The Bennett Thrasher Foundation‘s mission is to serve those in need through contributions of time, talent and monetary grants to charitable organizations fostering the long-term development and success of individuals primarily located in the greater Atlanta community. The Foundation is funded from Bennett Thrasher’s top line revenues, contributions from employees and fundraising events and activities.

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