BT Associates Complete 1,529.8 Miles for the BT on the AT Challenge and Raise $7,055 for Gigi’s Playhouse

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After an incredible summer on the trail, BT is proud to share the impact and final numbers of our BT on the AT summer initiative.

  • BT associates hiked an amazing 1,529.8 total miles this summer, and 79 associates, 21 partners and 13 family/friends of the firm participated.
  • 721.2 miles were completed in May/June, while 808.6 miles were hiked in July/August.
  • Floors 6 & 7 blew Floor 8 out of the water on total miles hiked (847.4 vs 577.4 miles). Family & friends of the firm contributed 105 miles.
  • The FR&A department was the top team in terms of miles hiked, with 523 miles hiked. PFS came in second with 186.2 miles completed, and Operations finished third (155.6).

Our hope is that this challenge inspired our associates to step outside their comfort zones, to meet other employees they hadn’t met before on the trail and to dig deep to overcome some of the obstacles experienced along the way. Our firm received some amazing feedback on this summer challenge, and our hope is to do events such as BT on the AT in summers to come.

BT is very proud to share that approximately $7,055 was raised through pledges and donations to benefit Gigi’s Playhouse in the completion of their new Roswell center as a result of our summer challenge. Our firm is so thankful to everyone who donated and supported this very worthy organization, and we look forward to seeing the amazing impact that our funds will have on Gigi’s new facility.

Learn More

Vestigo, our partner in the BT on the AT challenge, put together a case study video that highlights our summer challenge and impact. We encourage you to share this video with others and you can view all of the other photos and videos associated with the BT on the AT challenge on our Facebook page.

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