By: Scott Lawrence | 11/17/21
After the economic difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is no wonder that governments are trying to find new options to stimulate economies, get people back to work and keep businesses open. This process is creating pressure for more tax revenue, specifically state and local taxes (SALT). To address these issues, states are revising their rules and policies for taxpayer compliance and considering new tax options.
Whether your company operates in a single state or in multiple states (physical or virtual), staying on top of new issues should be an important part of your tax planning process. Here’s a look at some top issues you should monitor as we head into 2022, to avoid larger problems down the road.
These complex tax issues can be difficult to navigate, but our state and local tax experts can help. Please contact Brian Sengson or Stephen Bradshaw by calling 770.396.2200.
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